Ten years ago, on Tuesday, June 27, 2000, I arrived in Salt Lake City after a 21-hour drive, to attend my first USANA Health Sciences International Convention, five days after enrolling as an Associate. My road buddy, Mario Buscio went to stay with his friends from Quebec, while our sponsor, Deanna Waters, invited me to stay with her group in her two-bedroom suite. My fabulous mentors included Patti Tweed, a Registered Dietician & Andrea Cantin, a Dentist. I knew I did not have to be a health professional to be successful in USANA, but I was definitely in good company! It was interesting to hear that neither of them had learned very much at all about nutritional supplementation in school, yet both had compelling stories of how USANA’s products had made a difference for them & their families. For both Patti & Andrea, USANA was filling a void, because nowhere else, could they find such credible nutritional information, based on latest research.
After making everyone my homemade pasta, I got a call from Lynn, back in Winnipeg. It was our first time speaking since I had arrived. I told her how I was in “USANA Immersion!” We had plugged-in to a fantastic community of like-minded, health-conscious people, who all had positive experiences using the products, the USANA LifeMasters & Dr Denis Waitley audios were informative & inspiring & hanging around with our mentors, Dave & Deanna Waters had many benefits & we were having fun.
Lynn had some exciting news. She said she had felt more energy for the past few days & the only thing she had been doing differently was taking the USANA Essentials, which we began on Friday night. She said she had just returned from cycling to my parents’ place in St Vital & to her parents place in Garden City. Both are suburbs of Winnipeg, at opposite ends of the city. The round trip would have been about 32 kilometres or 20 miles. She was amazed that she did it & she felt great! "You did what?!" I said. This was no small feat for most people & it was especially huge for Lynn, since she usually fell asleep whenever we drove to a friends’ place, during a movie or while reading a book! I was accustomed to her constant fatigue & here she was, being a manic cyclist!
For myself, I don’t know if it was the adrenaline, the coffee or the USANA Essentials, but I was also feeling pretty good, after pulling an all-nighter on the drive to Salt Lake City. Whatever it was, I was now on a mission to learn more about USANA & the new products we were taking. The next day, Deanna was to be speaking at a Women's Conference, to start the USANA Convention, so it was time to power-down for the night. This was going to be an awesome time & I was pumped! We had definitely made a fantastic life decision to jump into USANA with both feet!